Setelah flu burung H5N1 mereda dengan makin sadarnya masyarakat tentang bahaya dan cara mencegahnya sekarang muncul lagi varian virus baru yang juga disebabkan akibat mutasi yang terjadi dalam tubuh binatang BABI. Virus ini mempunyai varian baru dengan jenis H1N1 yang jamak disebut FLU BABI. Apa sih yang dimaksud dengan flu babi… berikut petikan dari wikipedia:
H1N1 is a subtype of the species influenza A virus. The “H” refers to the hemagglutinin protein, and the “N” refers to the neuraminidase protein. H1N1 has mutated into various strains including the Spanish Flu strain (now extinct in the wild), mild human flu strains, endemic pig strains, and various strains found in birds. A variant of H1N1 was responsible for the Spanish flu pandemic that killed some 50 million to 100 million people worldwide from 1918 to 1919.[1] A different variant exists in pig populations.
Low pathogenic H1N1 strains still exist in the wild today, causing roughly half of all flu infections in 2006.[2] When the 1918 virus was compared with human flu viruses in 2005, it was noticed that it had alterations in just 25 to 30 of the 4,400 amino acids in the virus. These changes were enough to turn a bird virus into a version that was human-transmissible.[3] In March and April 2009, an outbreak of influenza-like illness in Mexico killed nearly 200 people, and in 20 of these people a new strain of H1N1 was detected.[4]) The new strain was suspected to have infected more than 2,000 individuals worldwide as of April 27, 2009 (see 2009 swine flu outbreak). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control warned that it was possible the outbreak could develop into a pandemic. Nah inilah akibat dari kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang firman Allah yang menyatakan bahwa babi haram. Perintah haram ini tentu saja tidak tidak tanpa maksud. Terbukti dengan banyaknya mudharat yang disebabakan oleh babi ini. Sumber : LPIT Insan Permata, Pemalang
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